
Letters to the church I love…

Life, Art, and Chatbots

Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? Do we watch ten installments of the Fast and Furious franchise because it’s what we want, or do we keep showing up because that’s what “they” are feeding us? I’m not sure humanity will ever come to any real consensus on the conundrum–maybe that’s not the…

Motivating Motivational Speakers

The guy sitting at the table next to me was one of those people who just seem to fill the room–booming voice, dynamic personality and winsome charm. He had on a dark gray suit, complete with vest and bright purple tie–a fitting wardrobe manifestation of the raw charisma bursting from his chest. Everything about the…

Intercession Pt. 6

My favorite TV show growing–CHiP’s–followed the crime foiling adventures of two California Highway Patrol motorcycle cops. The show was famous for the thrilling car chase scenes and massive multi-car pile ups in every episode. My first grade buddy, Phil, and I religiously reenacted every episode. We may have been riding rusty Schwinns, but to us,…

Intercession Pt. 5

Before we hit on the last element of the daily Eucharist life–Celebration–I think it’s worthwhile to address a few things about prayer in general… It’s a sad irony to me how many of us feel so deeply inadequate and unsuccessful in how we approach God given how crucial it is to real relationship with him.…

Intercession Pt. 4

Now that we have covered the practices of contemplation and confession in daily Eucharist life, we’re ready to move into the realm of intercession. By definition, this is the act of intervening on behalf of another person. Intercessory prayer, to put it simply, is how we share each other’s burdens before God.  When we pray…

Intercession Pt. 3

Recently, we’ve been talking about what I would call the Eucharist life. Eucharist in corporate worship is communion–the Lord’s Supper. The key components of communion are also core elements of daily Christian life. For our purposes here, these four elements are: Contemplation, Confession, Intercession and Celebration.  Last week we examined contemplation as purposeful reflection on…

Intercession Pt. 2

Mid-sermon on Sunday, I had a personal “light bulb” moment that nearly stopped me in my tracks–a tad disconcerting while speaking in front of a group of people. I was reading from Revelation 21, the part where a “loud voice from the throne” is finally introducing the renewed heaven and earth (which is the entire…

Intercession Pt. 1

Mid-sermon on Sunday, I had a personal “light bulb” moment that nearly stopped me in my tracks–a tad disconcerting while speaking in front of a group of people. I was reading from Revelation 21, the part where a “loud voice from the throne” is finally introducing the renewed heaven and earth (which is the entire…

A Pair of Prayers

Here’s a second poem since I have two dogs and everything has to be fair! A Pair of Prayers In the predawn stillness    we are breathing in tandem; Concurrently drawing unhurried,    elongated breaths. The gradual expansion of our ballooning    bellies is the only evidence We are alive at all. A fraction of a moment,    frozen…

Morning Prayer

Over the last several weeks I’ve been cranking out some rather “full-bodied” emails, so I thought  today I would make an attempt to say more with fewer words. Here’s a quick glimpse into my morning routine and rituals. Morning Prayers. Burley and woolen; his dreams   accentuated with spastic flinching   and contented sighs, He is free…


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